Monday, December 15, 2008

The Ultimate Affair

The Ultimate Affair: Humanity and Sin

With eyes of piercing darkness

And teeth stained crimson red

Her clenched claws wield the weapon

That renders man now dead

She said that she would love him

She would be his to hold

But now that she has stabbed him

His heart is frozen cold

His happiness is done

And now she turns her back

She doesn’t want his love

‘Cause her heart is deathly black

Seducing him with words

He trusted in a theft

And now that she is gone

For man there’s nothing left

She’ll haunt him to the end

And though the end has come

She’ll live on in his mind

‘Till insanity has won

She always was a slut

She never stuck with one

She moved from man to man

And he was only one

He didn’t know her heart

He didn’t know her vice

He didn’t know that she

Would sell for higher price

He offered her himself

Upon her love he fed

But what he didn’t see

Was that she’d drop him dead

The player played the played

And judgment didn’t show

Sinner turned to winner

The righteous left to crow

She didn’t love his heart

But just to touch his skin

Thus ending the affair

A Twix humanity and sin

the Final Trial

The Final Trial

Betrothed to Satan’s daughter

Whose maiden name is lust

Mankind awaits its slaughter

Its beauty turned to dust

Slaves to sinful pleasure

And servants of deceit

Man’s self control will measure

The judgment that he meet

Pride consumes the hearts

That used to be so true

Tearing friends apart

All that’s left is you

The end is coming quickly

It’s ever drawing near

So stand and don’t you waver

For courage lacks all fear

You know that you must stand

And face it to the end

For then you’ll see Him say

“Well done my faithful friend”

This is the final test
There is no 2nd go

If Hades you can best

Then heaven you will know

Standing at hell gates

This way you’ve never felt

Drained of all emotion

You watch your baby melt

Devastation hits you

Your lover’s in the fire

He cannot feel your warmth

Because the heat cannot go higher

You turn from him and see

Your brother, he is screaming

His flesh is falling from his bones

And for him there’s no redeeming

You scream unto the heavens

“Oh God why have you done this?”

His voice it shakes the floor

“Who betrayed me with kiss?”

“My son, don’t feel guilt

Just please don’t fall down

‘Cause this time there’s winners

Who will bear my crown

Don’t falter my son

Don’t die by the flame

This time I can’t save you

You’ll take your own blame

This time you must choose

Once and for all

Sin you must lose
Or succumb to the fall”

You stand up and scream

At all those around you

“Betrayers, deceivers

May you all burn through

He bent over back wards

Gave you every breathe

But you spit in his face

And now hell brings you death

He forgave all your sins

He helped you with hurt

But you only ignored him

And now here you burn

He loved you so much

He offered you freedom

But in return for his kindness

You ruthlessly beat him”

You turn from their cries

You’ve no more to say

But the king you despise

He stands in your way

His smile is rotting

And you draw your sword

Deflecting your blow

He calls on the horde

Surrounding you now

They thrash and they bite

Bloody and sore

You stand up and fight

Demons they fall

By the hand of your blade

The bodies they pile

And victor is made

You grab hold his scepter

And snap it in two

Then open the gate

And venture on through

There stands your father

He’s smiling proud

And as you embrace him

New peace you have found

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gradual Forthcomings

push thru darkness
stay unbroken
plow with purpose
nurse the choking
fall no further
come unbury
all your sinful
stumble standing
hold thee ready
rise up and firm
walk on steady
leave not the path
relight the fire
seek out the truth
never retire
find wisdom true
hear donkeys call
discover dreams
and let dreams fall
just set the pace
he'll pave the path
you be the pen
he'll do the math
believe in hope
do not define
let go of self
and snap pride's spine
breed no contempt
but that of sin
cut out your wrongs
or cut your shins
this painful walk
conceives this war
'tween fans of flesh
and sons of more
fractured families
trying to say
that they're the one
the only way

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Martyrs Forest

sick saddening sorrow and secret sins
bring to my heart it's beating and bleeding
dented and searching a lost hollow tin
pulsating lifeless orb of no meaning
a rotting assumption with out defense
cruelly taunted and shattered again
casualty watching fatality's tempts
knees with out skin to count the falls taken
sleeping in trees and walking in grass
where branches are burning and blades are such
a place where the dead are those who run fast
the living are slow and cold to the touch
from act of stabbing self most would recoil
but truth knows i'll burn with out blood to boil

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall Short: The Sent and those Sought

When the blind try walking in circles
Skill by repetition is lost
Through propaganda and hurdles
Power overrides cost
In this place where some words are spoken
Certain others are not
Suits with free will to soak in
Blue collar dreams left to rot
Worshiping colors and numbers
Not resting ever till peace
Day by day becoming no humbler
Feeling like less than the least
Striving to make up for failure
Achieving by power of man
Trying and trying to trail her
The dream that they've built in the sand
Taking in breathe when we need
Neglecting its gift elsewhere always
Pushed by passion of greed
While slowly our soft hearts decay
Never once sharing the answers
Of questions 'unasked' or 'unheard'
Telling those lost in themselves
That they're lacking all aim, so absurd
The dilemma presents itself here
In a solely success driven nation
As those sent to save save themselves
So this body's dead cells find inflation
A single undead working cell
I cry out I call to the remnants
Don't you want to escape fires of hell?
Don't you want to give them that chance?
I do. And here I make my final choice
To grant them theirs with the cry of my voice

Burning Chickens

The floor
Breathe the smoke
As chickens bock
Your cool
Sit a midst
The burning deep
Close your eyes
Let chaos play
Searching tries
To fly to flee
Who run
Find the flame
But wisdom chose
Knowing that
Suicide kills
Calm yourself
These flames are wild

Fan that flame
And you will die
Your wings
Start to flap
The Flames are fed
Your way
Burn the burns
Or cut the fuse

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

If I

Empty though I may be now

My light will never fade

Though tears may fall upon the ground

I will not be afraid

If I have sinned and I have hurt

If I turned on His loving care

Then ever shall my soul be damned

The flame my destiny to bear

But if I stand and do not shake

With Jesus’ blood inside my veins

And if I scream from mountain tops

And tear in two these sinful chains

Then He would take my hand and say

“Well done my faithful son

Its time for you to come back home

For life's long race you've won"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Crucifix Tree

Five fingers of flesh
And bones made of steel
I sit here and stare
At what I must kill
I do not like pain
But a deals a deal
They'll give me my silver
If I give him the nail
I pick it up slowly
With the tip on his wrist
A grab hold his arm
And then, well... I twist
It cuts through his skin
But it doesn't go deep
So I pound and I pound
With my fists as i weep
As i hold him down
His followers mourn
Then I puncture his skull
With a crown made of thorns
In one hand a whip
The other a spear
I beat Him and beat Him
Until death is near
I pierce both his legs
And the hand that is free
Then I step back and stare
At the crucifix tree
It's a monster I've made
And I reap all the costs
The good and the bad
The gain and the loss
I have just killed my master
I cannot go home
For now I am lost
Abandoned, alone
I attempt to stand still
But can't, and run to the cross
He looks down at me
And says, "All is not lost"

My Plea

I choose to make the hard decision
To live by what I want to claim
Confess the truth in Father's vision
And on my knees take all the blame
I serenade you with my sin
And ask you both to let me bare
The punishment that you may choose
Don't make it just or even fair
As Christ born I am granted grace
From doom that I could not wash white
And so as His i must embrace
Whatever he discerns as right
I've built a quiet shady coffin
Here in the dark I've built my home
And now I choose by heat of light
To change my heart to flesh from stone

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Fear

Blood stains these wounds
That drown in this rain
Such God given life
Can be taken away
And here on this tombstone
The words are engraved
"Well done my son, come home"
But the child is not named
Who he is remains a mystery
When he's sent homeward bound
Is in man's coming history
Where children's offspring be found
By the fear of being wrong
And the wrong of being feared
We scared and faithful soldiers
Are branded as weird
Weird as in different
Weird as in out cast
Weird as in 'God's sent'?
Hypocrites to the last
A group of self serving
Of Thomas like doubting
And faking belief
In this 'Good News' we're shouting
This life that you lead
Whether sinner or saint
Is not yours to lead
He's the brush, you're the paint
Blood stains these wounds
That were born by ambition
I tried to take charge
Contradict the great mission
That drowns in this rain
Now smothered by me
But when I seek submission
The mission reigns fee
Such God given life
Is what i inherit
And this one ticket lottery
Is a gift not a merit
It can be taken away
So hypocrites cease
Live the Samaritan way
For the last won't be least