Monday, January 19, 2009

Four Score and Seven

you bleed
and now this...
strong seed wilts...
and dies... or we think.
if you could try you would
but you only sink
and though we thought...
that you could...
you can't...
and as you bleed...
and sink...
we all laugh...
but your will is strong
far too strong to break
so here we'll laugh
as you die
from so much...
loss of blood
but you won't cry
you won't squeal
you know you need
you know you want
to make us stop
stop our laughing...
but we can't help it
stop? ourselves?
but surely you could...
you can see... we can't feel
the blood that you're losing...
so we steal your last...
long slow sad years
and take the moments
that you might use...
to speak your stomach...
we take this time...
and fill it...
with our laughter...
surrounding such as you...
lonely. dying. wretched.
we all see you...  yes we do...
preserving nothing...
but your smile...
we carry on...
so strong with in...
all our trust... all our love...
all our kindness... all our blood...
now we dance around your grave...
before we bury your hopeless soul...
we celebrate your collapse...
bleeding... and sinking...
screaming... and weeping...
you smile back... as we echo again...
our laughter (always) that never ends...
slowly you drown with in our joy.
your bones each break...
by the blows of our bile...
for as we drool... the froth gathers pace...
as giddy chatters increase...
the race begins to slow.
and grain by grain, the dirt it drops...
settling slowly on your bloody stains,
and long enduring smile...
your heart is tired... you're hurt...
now we take your possessions
and rape them of worth
we call all your loved ones
and they join in the laughter
we run in free form...
upon your still form...
as the last dirty specs...
of brown sand slowly settle...
we laugh till we die...
and our children step in...
to carry this burden...
giddy laughter till death...
and a dance on that grave...
the dirt will still pile...
and that life that we took...
though still living beneath...
will grow farther... and farther...
as the blind  follow suit...
as they were instructed...
its not what we wanted...
but they thrive in our faults...
so they.... will keep laughing...
lacking not shovels...
but merely the knowledge...
that they all deserved...
but each one was deprived...
it may have been our shame...
of who lay down there... 
so beaten... so bloodied...
so deep in the ground...
for our shame... and our pride...
we have sent them to rot...
to laugh on a grave stone...
till they pass away...
and so by our folly...
their offspring and wives...
will be damned just the same...
this all falls... all on us...
we who failed to dig...
it falls on us all...
those who laughed...
and who buried...
it falls down like a semi...
on us each... every one...
you now know... or you should...
that you stand... the culprit...
we... as a body... 
step by step... have become...
the sole founding fathers...
of earth... far from home...

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